2001-02-28 - the humor of life
2001-02-25 - gjkgjdfwstfkh;lj,b
2001-02-24 - virginia
2001-02-23 - on contact
2001-02-23 - phlegminem
2001-02-23 - he was a pimpin' motherfucker
2001-02-20 - the things you can learn from behind the music
2001-02-20 - valentine's day morbidity (a little late)
2001-02-19 - tragically average would be a cool name for a band
2001-02-18 - ode to billy joe
2001-02-18 - we are the imperfect beast
2001-02-18 - unrelated- jacob's ladder is a kick ass movie
2001-02-16 - thank you, ross colby
2001-02-16 - gkjhsagjhbg
2001-02-16 - so i will not drive their cars or spend money from a contract on their lives
2001-02-16 - she's a cool cat
2001-02-07 - i am a retard
2001-02-07 - 5 questions from the actor's studio
2001-02-07 - and the more you have kept
2001-02-07 - sfhgdfgilhsgblg
2001-02-07 - i think i have said this before
2001-02-07 - entity
2001-02-03 - damned if they weren't right
2001-02-03 - cold medicine fiasco
2001-02-01 - oh, and fuck you too
2001-02-01 - temporary unemployment
2001-02-01 - yep
if you've got some free time on your hands:

most recent
where it begins, 2000
more 2001
my god, more 2001
still more 2001
yet more 2001
2001 again
let me guess, 2001?
2003 stuff
stuff from 2004 and 2005
2006 and 2007

[just admit that they own your soul] [e-mail]