2001-05-31 - don't play it out!!!
2001-05-30 - totally unrelated, but i think conan o'brien is a genius
2001-05-30 - in high school, i had a class where i starting writing a different quote on the board every day; this diary is the same thing except now i am just quoting myself and people have already said everything i have already said and they probably said it better
2001-05-30 - a sentence of mandatory minimum jealousy
2001-05-29 - not really like i have anything to brag about
2001-05-29 - i know you probably expect me to talk about sex more but...
2001-05-28 - one hand counting
2001-05-28 - sally harry tommy dick
2001-05-28 - we are the dinosaurs of the future
2001-05-27 - living at home is sucking the soul out of my body
2001-05-26 - politically incorrect/ they got a catchy new song
2001-05-25 - he didn't make it very far into space, did he?
2001-05-24 - poor mike, he's so computer illiterate
2001-05-24 - wasting time again
2001-05-24 - i don't think so but i don't really know
2001-05-22 - targeted marketing
2001-05-21 - help yourself
2001-05-21 - djfjnfy
2001-05-20 - home coming
2001-05-20 - shit sucks
2001-05-20 - york will be helping me sort this all out
2001-05-18 - they just can't stand the thought that we might be the highest form of intelligence
2001-05-14 - mike gets shafted
2001-05-08 - i use excite mail
2001-05-06 - eating my words
2001-05-03 - or a dog hanging his head out of a moving car's window
2001-05-02 - underestimating my past pages
2001-05-02 - double entry
2001-05-01 - stigmas
if you've got some free time on your hands:

most recent
where it begins, 2000
more 2001
my god, more 2001
still more 2001
yet more 2001
2001 again
let me guess, 2001?
2003 stuff
stuff from 2004 and 2005
2006 and 2007

[just admit that they own your soul] [e-mail]